Gin Gin Golf Club
Great Golfing and a Friendly Welcome
We are now offering a mobile app for payment of green fees by visitors and members. Just use the QR code on the poster at the clubhouse or go to and enter ‘Gin Gin Golf Club’.
Note to Visitors:
Apart from the Saturday competitions (11 am until 5 pm)
and the Vet’s Tuesday morning comp, the clubhouse is normally closed. These are also times when there is no Social Golf.
Please use the Honesty Box or to pay your green fees. The fee costs are detailed on a notice above the Honesty Box.
We also have some Golf Clubs for Hire:
There 4 sets of Men’s Right-handed Golf Clubs
on the back verandah that are available for hire.
Just $5 per game to hire – either place in the Honesty Box slot or use the app (see poster on the front of the Clubhouse). There are also golf trundlers under the back verandah that are free to use – just please replace under the verandah after you finish.
We now have a motorised cart for hire ($15 for 9 and $30 for 18 – only available on competition days – Tuesday mornings and Saturdays afternoons).
Standard Scratch rating of golf course has now changed (1st May 2024) from 70 to 71 and Stroke Rating from 108 to 113. That is, the course is now rated as more challenging than it was, making Scott Warren’s 59 in 2023 even more impressive!
Green Fees:
Vistors only $15 for 9 & $25 for 18 holes
About The Gin Gin Golf Club
About the Club
Gin Gin Golf Club was first established in late 1970 with the first competition played on 24th April, 1971 and the clubhouse opened on 12th December 1971.
Since then the club has strived to improve the course and the Clubhouse facilities, moving from the original sand greens to couch greens and then to 328 greens. All of this has mainly been achieved by volunteers who have contributed their time and energy to bring together what you see today.
About the Course
The course is a 9 holes with alternate tees to create a few different angles and challenges. The course is par 72 with rating of 71 a slope rating of 113 (changed on 1st May 2024 from 70/108). There are NO sand bunkers and only a couple of water holes. The main hazard is on the right of the 9th and 18th hole in the form of an irrigation channel following the full length of the 495m par 5. The fairways are lined by trees to add additional difficulty and some of the greens have some tricky slopes to make you consider where to leave your approach shot. The extremely bumpy nature of the fairways means you often have awkward/unbalanced lies and the greens are quite small with tricky surrounds making chipping on to them challenging as well.
Come and test your skills!
The current course record is held by Scott Warren at an absolutely amazing 59 which was set on the 12th March 2023 in the Gin Gin Men’s Open!
After this incredible score, Scott’s handicap dropped to plus 8 (+8).
What Drives Us
Our Objectives
The Gin Gin Golf Club Exists to:
- Promote, encourage, and foster the game of golf and to encourage social life between Members of the Club.
- Promote and hold, meetings, competitions and matches for the playing of golf
Join Gin Gin Golf Club
New members are always encouraged to join participate. The club and it’s members are always welcoming – At Gin Gin there are no strangers – only friends that you haven’t met. Whether it be playing in competitions or socially or participating in social events like the monthly 19th Hole BBQ night and other ambrose fun days you will surely enjoy your time at Gin Gin.
Upcoming Events
Contact Information
Email -
Deb Keslake 0420 740 124
Director of Golf:
Paul Herring 0422 099 549
Site Visitors – 1378072